My First Virtual Reality Experience with New Forest Activities
18 October 2017

Kids VR Birthday Parties | Adult VR Parties
Virtual reality has landed in the New Forest. You can defend your own castle from invaders, fight zombies, mix spellbinding potions or create 3D works of art before your very eyes - all of which provide an experience that will blow you away.
I’d heard of Virtual Reality and always thought I would like to have a go. But when the New Forest Activities team bought the kit into the office I just wasn’t prepared for how amazing the technology would be.
After a quick set up, the VR headset and headphones were placed on my head and I was transported from our charming little office in Beaulieu to the middle of a bustling city. In short, I was speechless.
There were cars driving past, skyscrapers as far as the eye could see and the sounds of the city in my ears. It was a truly immersive experience.
I was instructed to turn around and enter the building behind me which meant stepping directly into an elevator and riding to the top floor. During the ride up I was anticipating what I might find up there but as the elevator doors opened, in front of me was quite simply a plank that jutted out into the abyss.
The views of the city were incredible up here and I proceeded to “walk the plank” to see more of the helicopter that had just flown by. It was at this point that I looked down and realised just how high up I was. My legs started to shake, my heart raced and I had to keep telling myself that I was still in our office and not 80 stories up in the air in the middle of a city.
It was only then that one of my colleagues decided to tell me that the only way down was to jump…
This was an incredible introduction to virtual reality and it only got better from there. I then went on to travel the world via Google Earth, jumping from the middle of the Sahara Desert to walking along the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco.
In the next game I was shooting at attacking space aliens in a completely different futuristic world.
The possibilities are endless and with so many different age appropriate games, there really is something for everyone - making virtual reality a great addition to any party.
So why not plan a VR Party with New Forest Activities? Or plan a VR Birthday Party for your child’s next birthday? Whatever you decide, our booking process couldn’t be easier and you’ll have your own dedicated instructor on the day of your event to provide a safe and enjoyable experience that is quite literally, “out of this world.”