How often should a company hold team building events and run team building activities?

13 April 2023

How often should a company hold team building events and run team building activities?

Team building events are vital for promoting positive company culture and improving team performance, but how often should you run corporate team building events? 

The benefits of team building days are plentiful. Corporate events provide opportunities for team members to interact outside of the traditional work environment and get to know each other better. This greatly helps build relationships, improve communication, encourage teamwork, and increase productivity.

There are also many different styles of team building, including problem-solving skills or fun team building activities such as canoeing or kayaking. The type of event is usually determined by the common goal for the business. This might be a way to boost team morale, help a remote team to connect in person, or team bonding to help create a strong team.

As a provider of team building activities, New Forest Activities often gets asked how often you should hold team building events, but it's not always straightforward. In this blog post, we will explore the factors to consider when scheduling team building activities and planning a team building event.

What to consider when deciding how often to hold team building events

When deciding how often you should hold team building events, there are several factors companies should consider. The purpose of team building is to get your team together and improve work culture while working towards a common goal.

If you don't do team building activities on a regular basis, you could risk your team becoming disconnected or seeing low employee morale. On the same note, you also want to give your team a chance to put into practice what they've learned from team events, so you don't want to overload them.

Here are some key factors to keep in mind:

  1. Company size: A company's size can significantly impact how often team building events should be held. Smaller companies may be able to hold events more frequently, while larger companies may need to schedule them less often due to logistical and budgetary constraints.
  2. Employee turnover rates: High employee turnover rates may require more frequency of team building events to help new team members integrate into the team. On the other hand, low turnover rates may mean that events can be spaced out more.
  3. Company goals and priorities: The company's goals and priorities should also be considered when deciding how often to hold team building events. For example, if the company is focused on rapid growth or launching a new product, more frequent events may be necessary to ensure that teams are working together effectively.
  4. Budget: Team building events can be expensive, so companies must consider their budget when deciding on frequency. While investing in team building events is important, balancing the cost with the benefits is essential.
  5. Employee feedback: Employee feedback can be valuable in determining how often team building events should be held. Regular surveys or focus groups can help gauge employee interest and preferences and can help ensure that events are tailored to the team's needs.

It's important when organising an event to ensure it's tailored to the team's needs, interests, and goals so they get the full benefit from team building. Team building activities can help create team collaboration and are one of the best ways to make your company a place where people want to work.

Team building activities with New Forest Activities
Team building activities with New Forest Activities

How often should companies hold team building events?

The ideal frequency of team building events can vary depending on the company's goals and culture and the factors mentioned in the previous section. However, there are some general recommendations that companies can follow:

  • Hold team building events at least once a year: At a minimum, companies should hold team building events once a year to maintain team morale, encourage communication and collaboration, and foster a positive company culture.
  • Consider holding events every 6 months: For companies experiencing significant growth or change within a team or for newly formed teams, it may be beneficial to hold team building events more frequently so you can get to know your team out of the office. People will feel more relaxed and make more effort to engage with each other.
  • Schedule events strategically: Companies should consider the timing of team building events and schedule them during times when employees are less busy, such as during the off-season or on slower work days. Since these events can be challenging on the mind and body, help your team by planning your team building at a sensible time.
  • Incorporate team building into regular work activities: Rather than scheduling separate team building events, some companies choose to incorporate team building into regular work activities. For example, they may set aside time during meetings or workdays for team building exercises and fun activities.

Ultimately, the frequency of team building events should be tailored to each company's specific needs and goals. Companies can ensure effective team building events by regularly assessing these factors and soliciting employee feedback.

The benefits of team building days

So, how often should you hold a team building event depends on the above factors, but ensuring you plan a great team building day is another. Successful team building activities help keep your team bonded and encourage your team to work together.

Planning what corporate team building activities to do is a different kettle of fish. Depending on team dynamics and specific team goals, different activities will help. Many activities are designed to engage your team and focus on relationship building. However, if your hope is team members learn new skills and overcome challenges, you need activities that involve problem-solving activities.

Choosing the right activities for your team building day is essential. That's why working with a team building activity provide is recommended.

Contact us if you'd like help planning your corporate team building events.