An Update on Overalls for our BattleZone Sessions

23 November 2022

An Update on Overalls for our BattleZone Sessions

Like many businesses, New Forest Activities' costs are rising. In particular, the cost to wash and dry our BattleZone overalls has tripled in the last couple of months.

Like many businesses, New Forest Activities' costs are rising. In particular, the cost to wash and dry our BattleZone overalls has tripled in the last couple of months.

Until now we’ve tried to absorb this into our pricing, prices which have been in place since before the COVID-19 lockdowns.

This unfortunately is not a sustainable position, so we’ve been left with a choice. Do we increase our prices to accommodate the rising cost, or do we cease to offer overalls to our guests?

Well, we really believe the choice should be with you; our customers.

Therefore please note the following:

Any BattleZone bookings confirmed before 12:00 on Friday the 25th of November will have overalls provided as part of your experience.

For bookings confirmed after the date above, overalls will be optional and available to hire for £3 per person.

Prices will stay as they are until 1st April 2023 when we’ll be increasing in line with inflation.

We are, however, 100% confident that with or without overalls, BattleZone is still great value and amazing fun!

Whilst we’re here, it’s worth reiterating that the BattleZone gets wet and muddy in the winter months. Good footwear, spare shoes, and clothing are a must (with or without overalls!)

None of the above affects our standard terms and conditions, details of which can be found on our website.

If you'd like to find out more or book a BattleZone session with us, you can do so using the link in our bio.

We thank you for your understanding.

The New Forest Activities Team